Appendix C



Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2023 9:14 AM
To: EHL Licensing <>
Subject: Re License application REDACTED


EF CON ENDS 16.08.2023 VALID PPN and PCD (A)




Re License application REDACTED


I object to this license on the grounds of Prevention of Crime and Disorder and Prevention of Public Nuisance


Prevention of Crime and Disorder and Prevention of Public Nuisance

The business says that it is going to offer classes of painting with a glass of wine. Assuming that this will work on the same model as painting pottery cafes but only for adults, they will be looking to attract groups of hens and stags in particular. The likelihood of over drinking and consequent public nuisance is therefore substantial. 


Prevention of Crime and Disorder 

The company whose only other internet visible venture is to run a climbing wall centre in Wales appears to have no experience of running a licensed premises. The running of a new wine bar without experience and hundreds of miles from their home is a recipe for poor management and hence crime. 



I am also concerned that this is a defecto wine bar. I ask that the application be judged on this basis rather than an entertainment centre. 


With best wishes, 


















Rep B


Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2023 12:23 PM
To: EHL Licensing <>

EF CON ENDS 16.08.2023 VALID PPN, PS and PCD (B)

Good afternoon,


With this e-mail I express concern regarding license application REDACTED for selling alcohol every day until 23:00 on 127 Gloucester Road. There are already four alcohol-licensed premises at either end of Cheltenham Place, which is excessive for this confined area in relation to residents and other businesses - a fifth definitely tip this over for what is supposed to be a residential conservation area. The traffic on Cheltenham Place of intoxicated people is already high, generating anti-social behaviour, crime and disorder and public nuisance, impacting negatively on residents. Drug-dealing has increased (taking place in plain sight) just over the last six months, as also other crimes such as burglary and attempted break-ins. Littering (broken bottles and glass, fast food wrappers etc.) is an everyday problem. The disproportioned concentration of alcohol-premises in this troubled area with a fifth applying for alcohol license is a real concern for public safety .


Kind regards,